These were photographed at the beach in Salmon Arm, during the Fernweh workshop hosted by Tricia Victoria and Jayme Ford.
The Fernweh Workshop was LIFE CHANGING. Of all of the workshops I attended, I definitely took the most away from this one. Tricia and Jayme also brought in Yan Palmer for a keynote. Her lesson, especially, had me in tears and was incredibly cathartic.
Yan, Jayme and Tricia all made sure to make all of us feel listened to and appreciated. I suffer from so many mental illnesses which make it often difficult to be in group situations. I have blogged about the abuse I went through as a child. Sadly, I’m still in the pattern of abusing myself. The first day was great, and then I came back to the hotel and started following all the other photographer’s on Instagram. Immediately I found myself falling into my habit of self doubt and sabotage. Was I even good enough to be there?
Really, I doubted whether I wanted to show up to day two or not. I’m so happy that my husband pushed me to go. Immediately I was made to feel welcome and like I belonged. Fernweh was everything.
We started the day shooting a blended family session. Then we headed to the house in canoe for an adorable couple’s boudoir shoot. Afterward, we went to Jayme’s for lunch, and for Yan’s keynote and then headed to the beach for three more shoots at the end of the evening, including this couple’s bridal session with another great couple, @danmckeown and @_zanabanana

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