My husband saw the Black Tape Project on Instagram years ago and has hinted that I should do similar session since. When I noticed Sirens Beauty Studio had done a body tape application last year, I hit her up to apply the tape for me. Hired Christina of Licensed to Hair to tame my mane, and put him to work shooting.
Albert is not usually the photographer, but will occasionally take over to shoot me or our group sessions. I absolutely love the angles he gets and the way that he sees me, and rarely feel as beautiful as I do when he has photographed me.
This black tape project session was definitely an adventure! I was eaten alive by mosquitoes. Between that and the stickiness from the tape I was itching for about a week, but it was absolutely worth it! He captured some incredible shots, and with Amber and Christina helping, I felt pretty amazing in the end. I’m 42 this year, and feel that I’m getting more relaxed with my body and my self as I age. I love the flecks of silver in my hair (although I hate the ones in my eyebrows). I love that I’m gaining the weight back that I lost during my 8 year battle with gallstones. I’m embracing the comfort that comes when you start to care less about others perceptions. Accepting all of myself. Wrinkles, silver hair and all.
If you would like to set up your own body tape session in Fort McMurray, we highly recommend Amber for the application! We have a couple dates left for summer sessions. 2024 sessions open for booking on Black Friday 2023. I will be the photographer for these sessions. From May through September we exclusively shoot outdoors. Schedule from September through May if you’re looking for an indoor session. Reserve a spot here through our website or this direct link.
Might eventually add in a few more images, but these are the ones I’ve edited so far!